Use "looked up to him|look up to him" in a sentence

1. We all looked up to him.

2. I look up to him.

3. We look up to him as a hero.

4. Somewhat shocked, I looked up at him.

5. They all look up to him as their leader.

6. The Judge looked up from his notes to glare at him.

7. She looked up at him with beseeching eyes.

8. She looked up at him with Beseeching eyes

9. The children all looked up their new teacher silently, weighing him up.

10. [literary] She looked up at him with Beseeching eyes

11. She twisted slightly in her chair to look up at him.

12. The schoolmaster was a scholarly man. All his pupils looked up to him.

13. She shook him to wake him up.

14. The film star often meets the audiences who look up to him.

15. He looked up him with veneration on the old imaginary pinnacle.

16. They've taken him off to hospital to stitch him up.

17. Chop him up and feed him to the dogs.

18. I gave him a nudge to wake him up.

19. Dan skated up to him.

20. Clean him up and get him ready to go.

21. I gave him a jog to wake him up.

22. Tell him to bear up.

23. His parents sent him away to school to toughen him up.

24. I looked him up and down and said, calm as I could,

25. Raul looked him up and down[Sentencedict], eyes opened wide with derision.

26. She looked at him in such distress that he had to look away.

27. Girls did not come up to him and nuzzle him.

28. 5 She gave him a pinch to wake him up.

29. She snuggled close up to him.

30. I tried to make him clean up before putting him to bed.

31. He regarded the men beneath him impassively, his eyes flicking back and forth as they looked up at him.

32. Joanna had looked up at him, open adoration in her glowing sapphire eyes.

33. I looked up at him and saw the Agonized pain in his expression

34. The hotel manager slowly looked the old man up and down and then asked him to leave.

35. It was easy to make up to him.

36. He went to bed as as a trivet. Shall I run up and look at him?

37. How could Pinkus stand up to him?

38. 15 She curled up next to him.

39. Trust him to cock things up again!

40. Kemp got up, looked about him, and fetched a glass from his spare room.

41. The extra weight caught up to him.

42. The doctor cautioned him to brace up.

43. The mist seemed to blot him up.

44. His stepmother told him to hurry up.

45. She crept up to him from behind.

46. Tell him to fasten up the box.

47. The doctor told him to ease up.

48. I gave him an extra dose of glucose to pep him up.

49. Thunder shook the catamaran as she looked up at him, rain almost blinding her.

50. Then she looked up at him Curiously and for a while lay very still

51. Anything anybody said to him to try and buck him up wouldn't sink in.

52. • Dolly watched him, Bedclothes up to her chin

53. His brother probably put him up to it.

54. She snuggled up to him on the sofa.

55. 12 He went to bed as as a trivet. Shall I run up and look at him?

56. And I looked as if to look upon him, and I saw him not; for he had gone from before my presence.

57. She was skipping to keep up with him.

58. We'll send the ambulance to pick him up.

59. We pushed him hard to take up science.

60. His doctor had told him to ease up.

61. 7 Sheer exhaustion forced him to give up.

62. Clean him up and let oncology have him.

63. One day, while telephone witnessing, he lent his phone to an elder to enable him to look up some addresses.

64. You brought him up.

65. GRE tensed him up.

66. Someone set him up.

67. Well, wake him up.

68. No impostor could deceive him;someone had put him up to all their tricks.

69. Grey Beaver Clouted him right and left to make him get up and follow

70. It was brave of him square up to that big man who threatened to attack him.

71. And then he backs away, he goes up to him again, almost kills him.

72. No imposter could deceive him; someone had put him up to all their tricks.

73. Victoria wishes him luck, and breaks up with him.

74. We won't allow him to fuck it up again!

75. Fetch the guest up,I'm anxious to see him.

76. However, the Dulwich experience taught him to toughen up.

77. Eventually she literally dragged him up to shake hands.

78. When you took one look at him, you lit up like a sparkly sparkle.

79. "None of your damn business!" she snapped, Craning her neck back to look up at him

80. I had to walk fast to keep up with him.